I asked my fiancée to marry me on the Grand Canyon

Will Lenox | Colorado River, CO

I’ve loved rivers since I was a young man. My dad was a river boat captain on the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. My grandfather was, and so was my great-grandfather. I am fourth in the generation of river pilots. I pilot whitewater. I learned how to guide when I was 19 at Feather River College in Northern California in Quincy. While I was there at my guide school, we were kayaking the South Fork of the Feather River. The plan was that we were going to kayak the section at takeout and we were going to use our buddy’s Jeep as the shuttle vehicle. So it was a great day on the water, we get to takeout and it was really cold and we were trying to find the keys to the Jeep. But they weren’t where they said they were. But luckily we were able to find a stick and jack the lock open and there was a key in the center console. As we drive along, we are thinking about how nice this Jeep is and how lucky we were to find an extra key.  When we get to our friend’s campsite, they tell us that it isn’t their Jeep… So we realized we’d stolen someone else’s vehicle and no one wanted to take it back. So we took it back to takeout and of course, then we saw the funky, old Jeep that we were supposed to take.

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