I wish I could just do this every day

Paco Ollervides | Caledonia, Ohio

In 2015, I spent my birthday on a 3-day river trip down a portion of the Deschutes River. The best part, other than the breath-taking scenery, the adrenaline of the class IV rapids, and simply being outdoors, was the company. My colleagues from River Network joined me along this trip since the trip was planned as part of our staff trip. Flipcharts, strategizing, and bonding with people that share your passions and your work load, is a must. I recommend it highly.

This river, and all rivers for that matter, are the life-blood of our socities. They inspire us for their power, their consistency, and I can’t begin to imagine the greatness that they represent to all of us. Conquering my fears, I did overcome a few rapids on my own and now I am hooked. I wish I could just do this everyday.

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