I’ll be honest; when we hit our first rapids on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and got a full dose of the COLD river water, I wondered: “What did I have in mind choosing to spend two weeks on this water.” But, as we dropped in altitude and the weather warmed, I began to enjoy our task more and more. The rapids were exciting and challenging, but thanks to our great guides we never worried about a spill (although I did take a dunk while on the Main Fork). The joy of being close to nature, away from the TV and other disruptions of the electronic-modern world, was an experience I’ll never forget, as will I never forget the nights of “billions and billions” of stars tossed against the pitch black sky. I wish I could return, and maybe I will one day, despite my advancing age.
A Wild Ride on a Wild River
Armando Lopez | Middle and Main Forks of the Salmon River