Paul Grondin | Hood River Northwest Territories, Canada

There I was setting on a Lg rock high above the Great Barren Lands River, the Hood. The only humans within hundreds of miles were my canoe mates down by the river. Its then that I became aware of just how little or insignificant I was in the big pitcher. That’s also when I realized how Rivers tied every thing and everyone together. I knew right then that I would spend the rest of my life trying to paddle on or walk beside as many wild rivers as I could. That was 1989 I was 44. Now at 72 I’m planning another WW trip to NOC in N Carolina. Behind me is thousand of miles of paddling all over the world. But still my favorite area is the Barren Lands of the Far North. Going back for my 4th trip above the Arctic Circle in August. Another trip on the Noatuck. Cant wait.

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